Protein coding gene MELO3C002154

Accession: MELO3C002154

Name: MELO3C002154

Description: Similar to Monoglyceride lipase (Homo sapiens) (uniprot_sprot:sp|Q99685|MGLL_HUMAN)


These properties come from reactome analysis

REACTOME_REACTION: 2-acylglycerol + H2O -> glycerol + fatty acid (REACT_594), 2-AG hydrolysis to arachidonate by MAGL (REACT_19155).

REACTOME_PATHWAY: Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL)-mediated triacylglycerol hydrolysis (REACT_494), Lipid digestion, mobilization, and transport (REACT_602), Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins (REACT_22258), Hemostasis (REACT_604), Signaling by GPCR (REACT_14797), GPCR downstream signaling (REACT_19184), Platelet Activation (REACT_798), Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis (REACT_2202), G alpha (q) signalling events (REACT_18283), Arachidonate production from DAG (REACT_19308), Formation of Platelet plug (REACT_20).

biological_process: platelet activation, triglyceride catabolic process, blood coagulation, lipid metabolic process.

These properties come from phylome analysis

molecular_function: acylglycerol lipase activity, hydrolase activity.

These properties come from blast2go analysis

molecular_function: catalytic activity.

cellular_component: plastid.


Located in CM3.5_scaffold00001 from 1597109 to 1600988.

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