Name or description: Accession or name or description (e.g. MELO3C000260)
Kind: DNA transposon exon five prime LTR group I intron large subunit rRNA LTR retrotransposon miRNA mRNA ncRNA gene non LTR retrotransposon polypeptide primer binding site protein coding gene riboswitch RR tract rRNA 5 8S rRNA 5S small regulatory ncRNA snoRNA SNP SRP RNA supercontig target site duplication three prime LTR transposon fragment tRNA viral sequence Type of feature (e.g. protein_coding_gene)
Located in molecule: Molecule in which the features should be located (e.g. CM3.5_contig30888)
Go term: GO terms or term name (e.g. Nucleosome with H3 dimethylated at lysine-9: HP1gamma Complex [nucleoplasm] (REACT_19440))