Protein coding gene MELO3C002376

Accession: MELO3C002376

Name: MELO3C002376

Description: Similar to Uncharacterized oxidoreductase SERP2049 (Staphylococcus epidermidis (strain ATCC 35984 / RP62A)) (uniprot_sprot:sp|Q5HLD8|Y2049_STAEQ)


These properties come from reactome analysis

REACTOME_REACTION: Oxidation of cortisol to yield cortisone (REACT_86610), Oxidation of cortisol to yield cortisone (REACT_82916).

REACTOME_PATHWAY: Metabolism of steroid hormones and vitamins A and D (REACT_85390), Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins (REACT_79403), Glucocorticoid biosynthesis (REACT_77995), Glucocorticoid biosynthesis (REACT_88537), Steroid hormones (REACT_100512), Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins (REACT_81798), Metabolism of steroid hormones and vitamins A and D (REACT_34426), Steroid hormones (REACT_79341).

biological_process: steroid metabolic process, glucocorticoid biosynthetic process.

These properties come from blast2go analysis

molecular_function: oxidoreductase activity.

biological_process: metabolic process.


Located in CM3.5_scaffold00001 from 3072481 to 3074053.

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