Protein coding gene MELO3C007766

Accession: MELO3C007766

Name: MELO3C007766

Description: Similar to Protein sco1 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) (uniprot_sprot:sp|O42899|SCO1_SCHPO)


These properties come from kegg analysis

KEGG_ORTHOLOGS: K07152 (K07152).

COG: Uncharacterized protein SCO1/SenC/PrrC, involved in biogenesis of respiratory and photosynthetic systems (COG1999).

These properties come from phylome analysis

molecular_function: hydrolase activity.

These properties come from blast2go analysis

cellular_component: mitochondrion.

biological_process: cellular process.


Located in CM3.5_scaffold00007 from 5221894 to 5224647.

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